Opening To The Grace Within
What Is Grace Within?
Within our heart is the dwelling place of love. What is love? Does love find us in our deepest moments of despair? Does love let us know that we are one, with God, with Grace, with Divinity, with Truth? Does love let us find ourselves in our deepest, darkest moments? Does love let us see the light of the truth? Does love enter the dwelling place of light within? When we see the grace within, we feel the oneness that we are. We feel the essence of truth around us. We feel the grace within our souls.
We come out of hiding as we accept ourselves as divine. Hiding is where we are led in the depth of our despair. Hiding leads us into the light. What is grace within? It leads us into the light. It leads us into love. It allows for wholeness and truth. It allows us to be free. Grace within is our innermost self. Grace within is Divine, divine love, divine truth.
Opening To Grace Within
It’s time to open up to the grace within. These posts are about opening to our true self. Inside of us is a deep well of love. It is our truth. It is our divinity. It doesn’t need to be seen or heard as differently than it is. It is love. Accepting it as that means that we are accepting grace.
Grace within us is love. Opening to the grace within us means that we are opening to love. Ultimately, the words are not important. It is love within us that is not seen as love until grace is brought forth. Grace is the gift of love and allows love to be seen within us.
Why Grace?
Because Grace gives us everything we need. Grace gives us love. Grace gives us light. Grace gives us truth. Grace gives us the divinity that we have never seen. Grace gives us everything we are, ever have been and ever will be. Grace is what we ask for when we are looking for love.
I can’t ask for anything without God’s love. Grace gives me access to that love. I ask for grace in my happiest hours as well as my darkest. Grace is love. Be in the love. Why be in anything but love.
Join Me For the Grace of Kundalini Awakening & Healing
I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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