Kundalini Awakening In The Body
This Is A Transmission
Allow God’s Grace to come through you now. Allow the energy of the Divine to allow you to become Grace. The body is transporting us into Love, Divine Love. It’s opening up inside of us. Allow the heart to explode into Grace, now.
It’s a journey in Light, Divine Light. Divine Light traveling through our body. Feel. Divine Light. Connecting hearts now, in Divine Love. Love traveling into first chakra, genitals, awakening now. Awakening to Light. Awakening to Love.
Gentle Rising Of Grace
Moving through the spine like gentle waves of life. Moving through the spine with giant, undulating grace. One Chakra, Two Chakra. Three Chakra. Four Chakra. Five Chakra. Six Chakra. Seven Chakra. All the way into the Eighth. Giant, undulating waves of Grace.
When You Feel The Awakening, You Are Free
What has held you back? From Grace, from Truth, from Love, from Light? Where do you need to free yourself? Or who or what do you need to free yourself from? Is there anything holding us back? Exploding in Grace and Love. Do you feel an awakening happening within you? Break down all walls and barriers to Love. Tear down the walls, the barriers. The Light is inside of us.
There is an innate understanding that tells us to be Free. Is the freedom within us easy to reach? Can it be seen? I reach for myself every day.
Ecstasy And Grace
Do you feel Ecstasy in the body? Is the body awakening to Grace? Is the body awakening IN Grace? Is the heart falling apart? Does it know God? LOVE. It is all about Love.
I love all of the things about my life. The things I love are free. In Grace and Ecstasy, I surrender to God. In Grace and Ecstasy, I surrender the pain. In Grace and Ecstasy, I surrender the misunderstanding. In Grace and Ecstasy, I surrender the fear to connect with the one I love.
I am Free
I am Free
I am Free
I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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