What Is A Kundalini Shaktipat Transmission?
There are many forms of Shaktipat. Each varies according to the teacher who is performing it. I will share with you what I have come to know.
What is a Kundalini Shaktipat Transmission?
I would like to start with the definition of Shaktipat from two Gurus who I revere.
Baba Muktananda describes Shaktipat; lit., descent of grace, The transmission of spiritual energy, shakti, from the Guru to the disciple; spiritual awakening by grace.
Dhyanyogi Shri Madhusudandas describes Shaktipat; The transfer, pata, of shakti from a perfected guru to his disciple for the purpose of awakening the disciple’s Kundalini.
And from my understanding, Shaktipat is the descent of grace directly from God to the being who is receiving the transmission. This grace awakens our latent Kundalini energy and allows us to observe the experiences of the divine making her way through our subtle channels. This awakening is divine because it is coming directly from the source of all being.
What are the benefits of Kundalini Shakti?
The benefits are so numerous that it would take more than a book to describe. But for a quick description, the Kundalini Shakti is the all knowing power of the Universe. She dwells in all beings as oneness, truth and divinity, but she hasn’t been found in most beings because we haven’t looked. When we have that spark of inspiration to find that all knowing power within, our journey to wholeness begins. Our wholeness is our truth. The Kundalini, or our God power, source of oneness is within us already. When She is sparked or ignited, we find the dwelling place of truth within us. The benefits are numerous in this process, but the main benefit is to find our own truth, to rely on our own wholeness, to be in union with the divine within our own being. The body is purified, the mind is brought into alignment, the signs and symbols of life become easier to follow. We feel joy, inspiration and fullness within. We can’t find another being unattractive because all beings become the divine with us. We are free in this moment of peace.
What does Shakti Energy feel like?
The ecstasy, the grace, the truth, the divinity that reside within and are allowed to awaken with the grace of this Goddess Shakti are given flight time. We see so many things that have not been previously accessible. We find truth in everything and everyone because it exists in every atom of this universe. The feeling is light, divine, freeing of anything that is not acceptable in our current situation. We love life because life is ultimately loveable. When we feel the awakening within us, we can become like kings and queens of our own divine reality. There is a feeling of delight and joy and expansion into all things. When we open our hearts to the divine and this shakti becomes alive within our body, there is another dimension of living. Life is different. Sounds are more appealing. Sights can become ecstatic. A bee, a flower, a summer breeze all can bring us to a state of ecstasy. When we open our hearts to the divine and the shakti is alive within our body, we are feeling grace within our being.
How do I tap into Shakti Energy?
One very real way to tap into this Energy is to receive a Kundalini Shaktipat Transmission of light. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve received it, the grace will continue to be activated with each transmission we receive.
If you’d like to receive a kundalini shaktipat transmission from me, I offer both online and in person events. Ecstatic Grace Sessions of Light on Zoom, as well as Shaktipat on LearnItLive and in person retreats are all available now. Check out my Events page to learn more.
When we awaken to the divine energy within us, the kundalini, the shakti, the grace of god, what miraculous things can open up in our life? What can we receive from god as part of our divine life path? What do we want to feel and know within us? This shakti energy, this divine kundalini will give us the life we have always been wanting because it is the very essence of our truth and our divinity. Let’s play and have fun in the power of grace!
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
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