What Is Kundalini Healing?
Kundalini Healing is a very personal journey for me. I will speak about it from the 27 years of having this energy awake and alive within me, working through me to help and heal others.
What Is Kundalini Healing?
In my direct experience, Kundalini Healing is when the Kundalini acts within a person to work with someone else. It acts as a living force within the body of the healer to guide and direct others on their path of awakening. When this energy is active within a person to heal those in their presence, the person need merely surrender and allow the Shakti Kundalini Energy to work. This started happening for me within months of the Kundalini energy being activated in me by my Shaktipat Guru.
I had been working as a massage therapist at the time, and the Shakti now wanted to work through me whenever I touched someone. I was able to do this for a while still maintaining somewhat of a structured massage routine, but over the years as I advanced my bodywork practice, I eventually had to give way to the energy and cease doing “normal” massage work. For some time I did Shakti massages where the energy moved through me as she wanted to and I just surrendered to the process.
Now I just work with people in a manner that is more similar to a highly energetic, meditative, healing, counseling session. As the Shakti comes through, She removes a lot of blockages and brings the person to balance and homeostasis within the body and mind. Of course, the Kundalini is also being activated within the person who is being worked on. So the person is receiving healing from their own energetic awakening within as well as through my source of awakening within my own being. It’s all actually taking place in oneness, or God Source Consciousness, but it’s also activating within our bodies as wholeness. The effects have been profound with this kind of work. I watch in amazement each time it unfolds within me and shows me the miracles that can happen in this beloved grace.
How Does Kundalini Heal the Body?
The Kundalini is the active force within the body that is the Divine. The divine force within the body known as Kundalini will unfold in a way that allows us to see the most profound transformations taking place in our beings. This force or divine kundalini shakti is a powerful force of grace. She is the Divine and She knows exactly what we need for our grace to unfold. She will guide us and direct us and show us how to be in life. She will allow us to be free if we allow Her to make us happy. How does She heal the body? She is the Divine. She created our bodies. She is the very force of life that sustains us and allows us to breathe.
The Kundalini will move through the body, literally, as we watch Her unfold traits and tendencies that are causing us pain or discomfort or disease. We need only surrender to Her grace and allow her to move our bodies and thoughts without wondering how it’s working or why She’s doing this or that. We surrender, we watch, we allow and we are guided into grace. The Divine Kundalini Shakti will show us what we need to be whole. We just need to watch and receive.
As the Kundalini moves the body, she is healing the body. She allows the body to unwind all of its old tendencies and belief systems about reality. She allows us to see the truth by revealing what is the actual force of life. This process takes place by surrender and grace. If we don’t surrender to the process, She can’t be activated within our beings fully. We must surrender and be willing to allow the grace to unfold within us, even if it seems scary to surrender to a force that may seem unknown. Eventually, as we get to know her, she will become our best friend on the journey home.
Would You Like to Learn Kundalini Healing or Receive This Grace?
Learning Kundalini Healing isn’t really possible without receiving the grace that allows the Kundalini to activate. She sees within us the truth of who we really are and She allows us to see that truth. We each have our own unique expression of this grace. As we activate our Kundalini awakening, the Kundalini herself guides us and directs us to our own expression of this grace. By working with someone who can help you to understand how to follow your own guidance and help you to understand the ups and the downs of the kundalini awakening process, you will start to become more aware of your own journey as a healer. We must know how to fully surrender to the energy and trust the process that is unfolding. It won’t look the same in you as it does in me or anyone else probably because She expresses uniquely through each being. There are however similarities in the expressions of grace because it is ultimately the same divine energy of grace working.
For me, the process was less of a learning and more of a remembering, uncovering the aspects of me that are true and revealing the energy of grace that has always been. My prayer has always been to surrender fully to God/Kundalini/the Divine and allow that energy to work through me. I always pray that my ego completely steps aside when I work with someone and that God only works through me for the highest benefit of everyone I am working with. Integrity and pure intention are of the highest priority.
If you would like to explore sessions with me either for your own healing and awakening and/or to develop/remember your own healing grace to work with others, please click below.
If we are wanting to see the grace within us as the divine kundalini shakti energy and this grace is revealing itself as a blessing for other beings, let it be. We haven’t arrived into this space of grace by chance. We are sent into our own being to discover who we truly are and our truth is ours and ours alone. We will find it when we access the purest part of our being, our truth, our divinity. If grace is within us, let’s see what it’s doing and how it wants to express in this earthly realm. It’s all available for us when we are ready to see.
I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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