Spiritual Wealth
Wealth and Spirituality
What is the lie we’ve been told about wealth and spirituality? What is it that makes us think that wealth is not spiritual? Wealth is spiritual. Why wouldn’t it be? Why would we say that God doesn’t want us to be wealthy? Does God want us to be wealthy? Does God want us to be happy? What if our natural state of being is wealth and our unnatural state of being is not wealth?
When does wealth contain greed, intolerance, crime and injustice? If a person is unsure of their wealth, if there is a fear of losing it, if there isn’t enough money to go around, or if there is a belief that the supply is limited, wouldn’t that make us fight, cheat, lie and steal to acquire it? Is it corrupt? Is money corrupt or is our consequential lifestyle and belief system corrupt? Consequential as an effect of living in the lies that we’ve been told.
What Does Wealth Mean Spiritually?
How many lies have we been told about wealth? Inside the heart, there is a deep well of love. In this well is abundance, grace, truth and divinity. Who made us believe that it is somewhere else, somewhere different from us?
Where do we look when we want to find love? I look inside my heart. It’s pretty accepted in spiritual life that the heart is filled with love. What is in the heart that is not love? Wealth is love. Abundance is grace. There is only love in the heart and love contains wealth, divinity, truth, abundance and grace.
Wealth is fullness, fullness of light, fullness of love. Wealth is divinity, truth and love. Why is wealth spiritual? Because it is the very heart of our hearts. It is expanding inside of us with great grace and love. It doesn’t feel less than. It doesn’t feel not good enough. It doesn’t feel unworthy. It is in our heart of hearts. Wealth dwells within us. It is not something that can be taken away or lost. Once we realize that wealth dwells within us, nothing can be done to us.
It is just a misperception that believes that we cannot see money in our reality. Being wealthy spiritually means that we are wealthy with everything. We are wealthy spiritually when we have everything we need in life. Some may need a few things. Others may need many more things. If I need one and you need more than one, how does that make me different from you?
What does wealth mean spiritually? It means the grace of God is expanding within us and allowing us to accept everything we need.
I Am Allowed to Have Wealth
When wealth and spirituality come together in a conversation, it is often verified by all of the reasons one should be allowed to have wealth. This is about the same as justifying the reasons one should be loved by God. By our very nature, we are God, so wondering why we aren’t in God’s love is like accepting a hovel for a haven. Are we dwelling in the scarcity of the hovel or the glorious light of God’s love? Wealth is prosperous. Prosperity is the very nature of God. There is no scarcity in God’s love. So why would we, as the very nature of God’s love, not be allowed to have God’s love?
The very expanding quality of grace that is the heart of God is love. Wealth is also love. Prosperity is grace. What does wealth mean? It means that you have a lot of something. Accumulating, growing, expanding of love. When we look at true wealth in the heart, it cannot be contained. So if wealth is in the heart growing and expanding, it contains nothing less than the truest love. And as we’re talking about wealth in the heart as the expansion of love, why would we not see everything in the world as love?
The very God that created us in our expansion and wealth also created every other living and non living thing. God is the creator of everything. So why is it that we would not be allowed to have wealth as financial prosperity? There is a wealth in our heart that is greater than anything we’ve known. This wealth, as love, as God, expands into our world. Money is the extension of this wealth in the world.
Knowing this expansion of wealth in our heart as love allows us to extend into everything and everyone as love. Money is just a creation of love and as we accept it as the love that it is, we become love with money, as money. When we accept money as love, it all becomes love. There is nothing left, but love.
What Is The Actual Recognition That Takes Place To Have Wealth?
Recognizing that we ourselves are wealth is the first step in this journey to having wealth. There have been many lies told about wealth. One of the biggest is that we are separate from wealth. How could we possibly be separate from wealth? If it doesn’t reside within us, where does it reside? Is our perception of wealth outside of us, putting it somewhere else? How do we break through that perception, putting it back inside of us, where it is, always has been and always will be?
First we must break down the walls that have been created that make us see something else. This is the only way we will see the truth. Wealth is the divine essence of our being. Wealth is the truth of who we are. When we know ourself as God, how can we be anything, but true wealth? Wealth does not exist outside of us. What walls need to be broken down in order for us to believe this? Is it blasphemy to have these thoughts? I’m pretty sure the church I grew up in would have said so. I also think that the Shaktipat guru who I started this Kundalini path with would disapprove of this post. The Buddhist nun who I sometimes sat in meditation with in years past discouraged material wealth by praising those who slept on wooden floors and gave up worldly goods.
How do we break through the people we’ve known who are representatives for the voice of the divine, and allow the voice of the divine to be our own voice. Do we trust our inner voice as the voice of the divine?
When we recognize that the truth within us is divine, and this truth cannot be dispelled by anything or anyone else, then we recognize that truth of our being as wealth; wealth of abundance, wealth of love, wealth of grace, wealth of everything we need, including money.
How Do I Break Down The Walls to Wealth?
How do I go inside of myself? How do I dive deeper and deeper into my being? How do I ask the questions that need to be asked? How do I wonder what is better for me in every moment?
By continuously going inward and finding ourself, our true self, we find that we are one with everything and everyone. Little by little, the bricks will be removed and we will find our divinity, our true self. This is the way we find our true wealth, little by little, day by day, each day asking deeper questions. True wealth comes with a deep understanding of the true love that dwells within us.
I haven’t managed to wrap my head around all of this yet, so I created a series of livestreams on my YouTube channel called “Money & Mysticism” that aired from 2021-2022. I personally listen to one of these every day by hitting the shuffle button on the playlist and letting the divine decide which one I need to listen to that day.
What do we want to say to ourselves every single day? What do we want to do with ourselves in our divine understanding of grace? Why do we want to see the divine as wealth, and wealth in everything? I don’t personally believe that we were meant to be needy or in lack. I believe that we were meant to be prosperous and wealthy in the way that each of us may choose. If I choose a mansion and someone else chooses a hole in the ground and we both feel wealthy, it’s all an illusion anyway, let’s play with it and be free!
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
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