The Role of Grace in God’s Love
When we find ourselves in a dilemma and we can’t find the right words to say, and we want to find a way out, what is the best way to proceed with God’s Light?
What is The Meaning of Grace in Love?
When we first feel love in our hearts, it is usually because our parents have showered love upon us in our awakening to this new world of light. We don’t feel different than anyone because we know the feeling of grace from which we came. We know we were different only in form in other plays, and in this lifetime, we hope to engender the qualities of love that are ever-present within our beings for all time. But what about when our awakening in this world is different than that; if our parents aren’t present physically or emotionally, or if our dad is present, but mom isn’t or mom is present and dad isn’t. What happens when we don’t have that love showered upon us and we are left astray, to somehow find our own way, to somehow make the best of this experience without the love that we’ve known so deeply since our creation.
This was my experience, as I was born in an ambulance and my mom was rushed into surgery and my dad had four other children to worry about. The baby, which was me, was left in the nursery probably and forgotten until mom could come around and accept this new child in. And even when this baby girl was sent home with mom and dad, mom didn’t have the energy to accept her fully. She reminded me every year on my birthday that I almost killed her at birth, and then added what a good baby I was because she had no energy to care for me and I apparently never complained.
So where does Grace come in? Did I choose this specifically challenging experience to allow myself to experience light and love in a different way? Did I know that I must challenge myself to find the true love that is available to us eternally? That love that is so engendered in us that we will forever be longing for it if we accept love as only an outside source of attainment.
I believe that the meaning of grace in love is that we will forever have the experience of love in our hearts even if we’ve completely forgotten it, even if we’ve completely cut off all experience of it. Grace is that part of us that allows us to see that light and love within us when all has been lost in the outside world, when we are afraid, when we don’t see the light within us, and something unexpected happens. Something opens up within us to make us connect with a deeper source of being. It isn’t always something that we can see or feel or experience directly, but it is an inner thought or a voice that says, “don’t give up yet”. There is always an inner voice in those deep moments of desperate longing, and that voice carries us to a different space of love, and that is Grace.
What Is The Role of God’s Grace?
God’s Grace will carry us through any hard situation in life. It will make us aware of how challenging life can be and allow us to see that we are always open to receiving the help we need. God’s grace is that help that we need. A particularly challenging situation seems like an insurmountable obstacle when we are in the midst of it. We forget that we have opportunities to change our perspective when grace comes in.
How many times have we lost control of our life? How many times have we lost control of our situation and handed it over to God? We forget that the situation at hand is much more difficult when we haven’t seen it from the light of grace. It isn’t obstacles or challenges that throw us off track. It is the way that we see them that is difficult. If we see everything with divine eyes of grace, what will we see in the world of light? Grace comes in to allow us to see the truth of our being. We cannot ever be overcome by obstacles when grace is allowed to come in and see.
What Is The Role of Grace in God’s Love?
When I was born, I had little to no realization of separation, as I was born straight from the light of God’s grace. Of course, this is the perspective of all of us coming into this world of light. When I was thrown into an arguably difficult situation, it was seen as different from the light I had known. It was seen as dark, mysterious, awkward and strange. I didn’t like it for the same reasons we see God’s grace in everything and everyone and don’t acknowledge it today. It hurts. It’s painful to recognize the truth of our beings as God’s love and not be in that love consistently with everything and everyone. This is the same way we feel when seeing animals harmed or slaughtered or brought into pain from neglect and abuse. It’s not a natural feeling. This is not our natural state.
It doesn’t seem to be appropriate to say these things in public, does it? It doesn’t seem appropriate to say that I feel love so deeply within my being that I see you as me and me as you. It doesn’t feel ok to say I love you because I know you as me. It doesn’t even feel ok to say, “are you tuning into your heart when you’re eating that steak?”. Why? Why have we gotten so far from the love that is our very being? I want love. More than anything in this world, I want love. I want love so badly that I allow others to feel my emotions and take bits and pieces of my heart without giving much in return. I feel others so deeply that I can’t stand to see them suffer. I can’t stand to see them in pain. But, I won’t allow others to trample on me in exchange for what I learned as a child was love.
This is where a turn came in for me. This is where grace evolved. When I was a child, I learned that love was conditional, separate, and hurtful, so I ended up in hurtful, conditional and separate relationships. When I was a child, I saw separation, and it was called love. How could I learn love? How could I remember true love? How could source allow me to experience something so difficult? These were questions that sprung up as I began my awakening journey.
Love doesn’t hurt. This is one thing I know. I know this now only because the God’s Love that has been shown to me is essence of love. It is true love. It is free and divine and perfect and amazing. It is full and ecstatic. It has boundaries to unconscious behaviors, but not to the true essence or source that lives within every living being. It is free. How do I know this now? How do I experience this now? How do I expect grace to be in every moment of love as I travel down the road of God’s divine game?
Grace! Grace gave me the different perspective so that I could see true love as the divine blessing that it is. Grace gave me the knowledge to know when things are off balance. Grace gave me the gift of knowing when I am in love and when I have fallen into old habits and patterns. I have been given the gift of God’s love by the play of grace. This is the only way I could see the divine within me as Love. Without Grace, I would be lost. Without Grace, where is Love?
I love because I am free. I love because God gave me the grace to see and believe that everything is divine and free. I love the love of everything and everyone and that is the gift of God’s Grace.
What Is Your Role in God’s Love?
We come together to accept Grace into our hearts. We sometimes feel another person’s presence as grace. Sometimes we know another person as grace in our lives. We want to feel and see each other as grace, and sometimes we need to accept the healing that must occur to make this possible, to allow the love that is our real nature to shine forth.
If you would like to work with me and allow your grace to be received into your heart to see the love that is and always has been, please link below.
When we see Grace in our lives, it is Love. It is Grace that brings us to Love. It is Grace that receives us into Love. It is Grace that knows us as Love. We receive Grace when we are divine, perfect and free. And we are all of those things already. Grace is always ready to be received and Love is inside of us already!
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.
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