How to Awaken Kundalini - pt. 2
When the Kundalini is awakened within us, we see the Divine in everything around us. We see that Light is within us. We see that Divinity is flowing through us. How can it be that we haven’t seen this light within us already? Why do we want to see this Light and Divine grace within us? Do we want to see Divinity flowing through us every day? Or do we want to see Grace flowing from us into everything and everyone around us?
What is the first step in Kundalini Awakening?
First we must talk about how important this awakening process is to us. Is it important enough to give up everything we own? Is it important enough to doubt our beliefs? Is it important enough to give ourselves enough time to awaken? Is it important enough to doubt ourselves and still go forward with the process? Because all of these things are considerations as we step forward into this light, this divinity, this truth. Does that mean we have to give up everything we own? No. Does it mean we have to let go of everything we love? No. But it does mean that we must consider what losing things may mean to us in our lives. We must consider that things will shift and change dramatically and that we must go with the flow of where this Kundalini will take us when she is awakened. The first step is to consider the life changes that will be made.
What is the best way to Awaken Kundalini?
The best way to awaken Kundalini is through a powerful being of light who can guide you through the process. If we haven’t the right and proper guidance, we may become afraid when things come up. It doesn’t matter if they’re enlightened or graced with light from another being, but it does matter if they are free, divine and powerful enough to guide this divine energy of grace through you. It does matter if they are perfect in their own right, meaning they’ve been through the process and have had it unfold within them and left all considerations of ego and control behind them and only care about your well being. Of course there are other ways to awaken Kundalini and many people are having spontaneous awakenings these days, but in my opinion, this is the best.
What does Kundalini Awakening feel like?
When we have a Kundalini Awakening, it feels like ecstasy, grace, truth, divinity, love. It feels like we are on our way to divinity. It feels like we can see the truth in everything we are doing. It feels like divine grace. But what does all of that feel like? It’s a bit like saying, “what does an orgasm feel like?” before we’ve had one. It can be described in ecstatic terms and graceful ways, but to know it, one has to experience it. I remember the feeling of meditating, and just being in the state of meditative grace with ease, whereas before my awakening it was always uncomfortable and a struggle to stay put. After awakening, I could sit for hours in a blissful, ecstatic state. It can also feel painful and uncomfortable if the energy is trying to work her way through some blockages in the body or mind. Thoughts can become uncomfortable. We may not want to sit through the uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes the energy needs to move as she works things out of our system and it’s best to let the body move in the way that it needs. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, let the energy move through you and release the necessary things to be at ease and peace. Each one will have a different experience as far as kriyas and emotions, but at the base of it all, there is always a warm, gentle feeling of grace supporting it all. This is the Mother of love, grace, truth and divinity. This is the Kundalini Shakti working with us to make us pure and whole, to make us supreme.
How do you know if your Kundalini is awakened?
The answer to this question is that God knows. God knows if your Kundalini is awakened. God knows if you are divine and free. God knows if you are doing everything you need to be doing to live a fully enlightened lifestyle and be free in this life. So, I will guide you through a process shortly to see if you can connect in with this energy of grace within you, which is divinity, which is peace, which is love, aka God.
Sit with your hands over your chest or lie down if it’s better for you to release this way. Allow yourself to feel the presence of divinity from within. Don’t worry about doing it right or not feeling anything right. Just allow yourself to feel something in your chest. Allow yourself to dive deeply into yourself. Allow yourself to feel the divine inside of you. It doesn’t have to feel any certain way. Whatever you feel and experience is great. Now ask yourself to go deeper into yourself. Go deeper until you feel something tingling, something making space for you, something ready to bloom inside of you. Awkwardness can come up, feelings of unworthiness, feelings of shame, guilt, betrayal, loss, all feelings that may be looked at and seen within the heart, but keep going. Stay with the depth of this feeling, whatever or however it seems to be opening. Just stay with it until you feel something saying to you, this is what it is. This is how you see. So, you’ll get an indication of truth within you. That’s the first step in revealing the unseen. That’s the first step in revealing you. And here you can explore, you can ask. What do I need to do to awaken this Kundalini? Have I been awakened already? How am I proceeding? The heart is the teacher of God’s love. Follow it. Let it be your guide. Listen to the answers and follow them earnestly. You will never be led astray.
Do you want to explore your Awakening with me?
I have been working with people and their awakenings for the past 27 years. My teacher who awakened my Kundalini was my guide for many of these years and now I am working just by the guidance of the inner divine Kundalini energy. She works through me to do what is best for each being who is in my presence. I don’t have to know what you need because the Kundalini works through me and She always knows what is best for each being. I offer both group and private sessions.
If you want to have your Kundalini awakened, if you want to see the divine truth within you, if you want to be pure, perfect and free, allow yourself to experience this inner energy of Grace. She will always be here for you in any moment of any day. She will always be your guide and your confidante. She will always expect you to be great and She will always be free. This is you. This is who we are at the core of our beings.
Part 1 of This Blog:
I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
Here on the blog, I write about Spiritual Awakening and anything that may be helpful and inspiring on the spiritual path.