Kundalini Awakening Symptoms
Are You Awakening to the Kundalini Energy?
How does it feel to be alive in your body? Does it feel ecstatic, graceful, divine and free? Without leaving the body, how do we achieve a high state of being while remaining in the body? How does the body become activated by the divine Kundalini energy? How have we come to know the Kundalini within ourselves if we are awakened?
Are we awakening to the divine energy within us? Is it free within us? What do you feel in your body? How does the Kundalini energy feel when she is awakening within our body? Are there symptoms that can be seen, felt and noticed? Does the Kundalini want to awaken within you? What are the symptoms of Kundalini awakening?
What Are The Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening?
The Kundalini symptoms for awakening are when we see ourselves as divine and free. There are a lot of physical movements that can take place when we have a Kundalini Awakening. But what lies deeper than the physical movements in the body? Is there an awakening that is occurring that is deeper than the energy that is being released? When we shake and we twitch and we sway, there is momentum of energy that is coming up to release old patterns and programs. The underlying essence of what is happening is that God is awakening within the body. The deeper aspect of ourself that is awakening is God within us.
The Kundalini awakening is stirring within us when God wants to arise within our body. When the body twitches and moves and speaks and sings, it is an expression of this grace.
We can say that body movements; jerks, twitches, sways and shakes are definitely symptomatic of a kundalini awakening. The temperature may fluctuate, feeling hot or cool. The body may make snakelike movements or we may feel that a snake is moving within us. The spine may feel hot or cool, or we may feel actual movement in the spine. The head may bow down to touch the floor in front of us or or it may fall back opening up the throat. Automatic breath movement may occur, sometimes strong and rhythmic while at others the breath may cease, leaving us in a suspended state of bliss. The sound of Om may sing forth from within us. We might start laughing, crying or screaming with wild abandon. The mind may become out of control, thinking thoughts that will not stop or it may become perfectly still and silent without effort. The mind may become restless or the mind may become still.
There is a different set of symptoms for each person as we all have a unique journey home.
The Emotional Effects of A Kundalini Awakening
With the initial kundalini awakening, we may feel ecstatic, enlightened and high on life. We may have revelations and deep insights. We may feel that the world is opening up to us with beauty and grace.
Sometimes these very high, ecstatic experiences can be followed by deeper lows. This is not because we’ve done something wrong. This is not because the energy has gone astray. This is because the energy, the Kundalini, is clearing out old patterns and programs. She is working to set us free. It is very important to understand this so that we don’t give up on the process.
The energy is always protecting us, guiding us and directing us to our divinity. She will never lead us astray. She is the almighty power of grace.
I always like to recommend Baba Muktananda’s book, “Play of Consciousness”. He talks in detail about his own kundalini awakening experiences. He had some very dark moments after his initial blissful awakening.
Are You Having Kundalini Awakening Symptoms?
Most likely, if you are reading this post, you are having Kundalini symptoms. It doesn’t matter if they are few or plentiful. If you are awakening in some way, you are probably looking for support. I can’t imagine having gone through this process without the loving support of my Guru and spiritual family.
If you want help, if you want support, if you want feedback, I am here to help. I have a few options available. My private sessions are too much money for some, but are great if you have a financial flow. I also offer two different group sessions, which are very affordable. These groups are small as of now and I often work with people individually in the sessions. I would love to be your support through your awakening process.
When we have a Kundalini Awakening, we are awakening to the Divine within us. It is the most important thing we can hope to accomplish in this lifetime. When we feel awakened from within, the energy will move throughout our body. It is imperative that we let it release and move. That means, let Her have Her way with you. By sitting and meditating and allowing the energy to move as She would like to, we are flowing with the process and allowing the grace to unfold.
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I’m Kai Shanti - a Spiritual Seeker and Teacher who helps others discover their own Divinity
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