Allowing the Awakening of All Beings Through the Lineage of Light

Up until around the 20th century, initiation into mystical traditions that involved the awakening of inner energy, known as kundalini or divine grace, was reserved only for a few select devotees of a spiritual master after they had contributed countless hours of service and practice under the tutelage of that master.

But the opportunity to gain access to the direct experiences described in all of the world’s great mystical traditions has recently been opened up to a much wider audience, thanks to a long lineage of beings who bestow grace, much like one candle lighting the next.

About Kai Shanti - Spiritual Teacher 

Kundalini Awakening, Shaktipat, Guru, Teacher, Spiritual Awakening, Master Healer, Healing

Kai has a unique gift that allows her to transmit the energy of awakening to open and willing spiritual seekers. 

She was introduced to the kundalini shaktipat tradition in 1994 when she was 27 years old. Her kundalini was awakened by a shaktipat master and within a few months she was in full manifestation of the Divine Mother.

She has since undergone a series of dramatic awakenings that have prepared her to work with others. As a result of working with her, many people report having dramatic life changes, spiritually and in their everyday lives. 

Upcoming Online Events

Kundalini Awakening, Healing and Shaktipat
Online at LearnItLive

Every Other Tuesday at 7:00 PM EST

Spiritual Awakening Retreats

We provide retreat experiences that include loving and expansive energetic openings and divine heart transmissions through the lineage of light.

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